Not only do I love their flowers, but they're on a string. So I will never again lose just one mitten (Despite my policy on lonely socks, I do not wear mismatched mittens -- too many differences in thickness, warmth and texture to cope with. Plus that just looks weird), like I have with every single pair (boy that's a funny phrase: single pair) of mittens I have ever owned before. Barring some kind of tragedy involving scissors or a knife, of course. Oh -- and they're lined with fleece, so they are SO soft and warm. Yum.
But then I saw these, which are not lined with fleece but have the fingerless option, which is great for camera work in the winter, and slightly more cool factor (both literally and figuratively).

I had a really hard time deciding.
So I did the really extravagant thing and bought them both. Because the rainbow ones were on sale for $7.99 so I didn't think it was really that extravagant. (Man, extravagant has a lot of a's.)

The only incongruent thing about this import store was that they were playing Rod Stewart. Loudly. And I mostly agree with Beck on this one.
After I bought them I started walking home. A ways down the street, I remembered that my hands were cold (the whole reason for buying mittens in the first place). Because I was pushing the stroller, I couldn't tuck them up in my sleeves like turtle heads to protect them from the wind. So I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to put the green ones on, with Swee'pea in front of me. Suddenly I heard a voice right next to me and turned just in time to nearly lose my nose as a man whizzed by on his bicycle. On the sidewalk. Through a tunnel under the tracks, which opens onto narrow sidewalk with a steep embankment on one side and a railing on the other. No bell, no "yoo hoo, comin' through;" just something muttered under his breath as he whooshed by.
Aarrgghh!!! I really dislike people, especially adults, riding bikes on the sidewalks (I can forgive kids as long as they're courteous to the pedestrians). I can just barely tolerate it if adults ride slowly and politely, and defer to the sidewalk's rightful inhabitants: pedestrians (ME!). I mean, Guelph's streets are covered with bike lanes; there's no good reason not to use them.
If you add a baby to the mix... SLOW DOWN ASSHOLE! And buy a flippin' bell and RING IT (at the risk of incurring more stroller rage if baby is sleeping)! Or just SLOW DOWN!
I have a feeling this could be a peevish weekend. Except I have such lovely mittens to keep my hands warm.
Treat yourself! Good for you!
They are lovely! I probably would have bought both, as well.
Funky mittens - I love them!
Great mittens! The stripy mitts, around my parts, are called "shooting mitts", in that you can pop out your fingers when you want to use your rifle. And that should sum up entirely where I live....
By the way, I LOVE that you mentioned my hatred of The Rod.
I love the green pair, but agree that you just had to buy the colorful pair! They are too funky to pass up. You just never know the mood you will be in any given day.
If you are like me you own more than one winter coat which means you need more than one pair of mits b/c it would be a pain in the ass to liberate the stringy pair each time you changed coats. Logic.
Don't even get me started on bikes on sidewalks. I feel the rage a-risin'... BTW, in the rare times I've been known to bike on the sidewalk, I have learned that the rhythm of bike tires on sidewalk cracks is the same rhythm in the some "Tainted Love." I can't bike on a sidewalk without getting that song stuck in my head which is reason enough to never bike on a sidewalk again.
Ah, shooting mitts. For me, they were good for smoking way back when... although I remember also smelling singed wool on a semi-regular basis, so I don't think the theory worked as well in practice.
cin...those green mittens are OUTSTANDING.
I LOVE them. nicely done.
Excellent mitts, esp the green ones. Ahem....old Rod Stewart is amazing...Maggie May? Reason to Believe? Those two songs alone make me forgive everything he has become.....
nice mitts....
Oh, and Mad: great logic to rationalize the double mitt extravagance... (it really doesn't matter that I only have one winter coat - i have several fall coats and I often need mitts in fall)
And LOL on the Tainted Love rhythm. I just hope stroller tires on the sidewalk don't also match...
I tried to post yesterday to say how much I loved the green mittens... but my toddler deleted me.
Maybe I should make him wear mittens when I'm on the computer.
Lovely mittens are just the thing for warding off the grumpies (which, I agree, are easily provoked by sidewalk-abusing cyclists.)
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