Wednesday, October 04, 2006

They're Baaack

Oh. God. One of those spiders is in our house. In. Our. House. Not four feet from me. Usually Sugar Daddy captures and removes spiders, but he's at work! I've put a jar over him so I'm hoping nothing awful will happen before he gets home. Eeuucchh. Shudders. I have permanent heebeejeebies. Where did it go before I saw it? Was it on me? Did I sit near it? Worse, did Ezra come near it? Could it have bitten Ezra? Must leave house until Sugar Daddy comes home.


11111111 said...

Yeah, okay, I'm the man so spiders became my responsibility. Not sure how that worked, but crikey, I've picked up some spiders that looked like a racket ball with pipe cleaners jabbed into it.

Anthony Burgess fan.

11111111 said...

On 4-Oct-06, at 6:21 PM, cinnamon gurl wrote: Droogies... that's from Clockwork Orange, isn't it?

Yes. May I add you?

Girlplustwo said...

ick. i mean, totally. ick.

crazymumma said...

Slip a piece of paper under the jar. Take outside, turn over. Problem solved.

Forgot how much I loved the term Droogies. Thanks for jogging my memory.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness... I just bought my 7 year old son a dozen plastic spiders for his birthday (his request). I knew I shouldn't do it - as every time I see one it scares the bejesus out of me... I HATE spiders and will not remove one even with a jar and paper.

Anonymous said...

One time my parents in law bought my daughter a bunch of those fake spiders....when they gave them to her, we were eating in a restaurant. She dropped one under the table and reached under to retrieve it, but instead she retrieved a bug/cockroach/i don't know what it was....didn't look too closely but it was moving! Ewwww...still get the willies thinking about it.

cinnamon gurl said...

It's not just because he's a man that Sugar Daddy does spider duty. It's also because he used to keep them as pets when he was a kid. And, actually, I just removed a small one. But that one yesterday was just way too big and creepy for me to remove it.