Last night, Swee'pea slept for eight (8!) straight hours -- in his crib!!
Sadly, I didn't.
He slept from 8 to 4:15 am.
I went to bed at 10, woke up at 2, looked at the clock to see how long Swee'pea had been asleep. Went back to sleep easily.
Woke up again at 3:30, excited that he was STILL asleep. Had a hard time getting back to sleep as I was getting excited that this was the longest stretch yet and maybe he was gonna sleep right through. Started composing a post about him sleeping through the night for the first time ever, got giddy, etc. etc.
Finally fell back to sleep and dreamed that he DID sleep through the night and I was trying to blog about it but wasn't having any luck coming up with an interesting angle --
Woken at 4:15 at Swee'pea's insistence.
He wouldn't settle in his crib and took at least an hour before he settled back to sleep in our bed. Still, it was better than the two hours of violent thrashing and headbutting and harumphing onto my chest in the middle of the night before.
The night before THAT, he woke up a few times but each time we settled him in the crib and he ended up staying in his crib until 5:45 am. Another personal best!!
So, the nightweaning has been going well, I think.
Edited to add: Don't you just love the baby sleep gods' sense of humour? Not 30 seconds after I hit publish, Swee'pea woke up screaming, and is WIDE awake.
Edited an hour later: He's still awake despite about a hundred miles of walking back and forth. And this post sounds much lighter and hopeful than I feel at these times when he just will. not. sleep. These times when I feel my exhaustion so palpably, when I become overwhelmed with the "Why meeee's?" Surely, we've paid our sleep dues in the last 14 months? Surely we deserve a break?
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
1 month ago
Oh, no. It sounds like you jinxed yourself but good, cin.
But: it also sounds like only a night or two more until you no longer have to wake up in the dark!
And that is sweeeeeeeeeet.
cruel sleep gods. they were laughing at us last night too. *yawn*
"Sleep god" is an oxymoron.
Still, this post was a hoot up until you had to edit it.
Hang in there. This too shall pass. Ok, totally goof ball and cliche, but so true. Keeping my fingers crossed for some sleep for you and the little one.
When the G man was workin' on sleeping through the night i went through a similar experience and just as he finally decided he was game to sleep 8 hours I developed a mean, mean case of insomnia!!!
I started reading this post and thought, "Oh no, she is gonna jinx herself."
If you think the Baby Sleep God has a sense of humour wait 'til you meet the Toilet Training God. Now that bastard has a cruel streak.
Oh boy...I remember those days. Wow.
The good news is...they are memories. I know it is cold comfort (or none at all, thinking back) but honestly truly this too shall pass.
( took me a while to sleep train myself to sleep all night--that's who got sleep trained: ME! LOL But I did it and now I sleep, usually.)
The Baby Sleep Gods are cruel indeed. But it sounds like he's on the track to starting to Actually Sleep.
I think that he's about the same age as the boyz and their sleep goes back and forth, back and forth. Just the moment you think you have it, you don't.
It sounds like you're on the right path, though! Take heart!
You know, *I* still don't get to sleep through the night and my kids are 3 and 6. If Tessa's not waking up with a migraine, then it's Liam with a bad dream. The good thing is that when the kids are older, they can get back to sleep without a lot of pacing, rocking, and nursing!
babies seem to have impeccable timing.
Sleep god be damned! I hope you catch some peaceful Z's soon.
I must say, you are handling this much better than I would. If there is one thing that makes me cranky it's having my sleep interfered. I think I can handle pretty much anything else.
I have full grown children and feel about as frustrated by lack of sleep as you do. I hate to be a wet blanket but just when you think you've got it good, baby sleeping through night, tolerable level of exhaustion, you'll hit the toddler years and all be sharing the same bed again. God this parenting is tough suff.
Ah, yes...we had a night like that, too. Don't despair, Swee'pea's just working out his process. But, yes, I can recall the utter frustration and sometimes fury over the lack of sleep. I hope tonight goes just as well!
Gah! I know how you feel with the whyyy meeeeee. It's so hard to be reasonable / nice / happy / upright when you're so so sleep-deprived.
I love how when he sleeps, you're awake. That happened to me a lot, too.
You're getting there. The trends are towards more / longer sleep, right? Keep the big picture in mind ...
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