I have new digs! Sugar Daddy did all the design stuff, including the faux graffiti; I just took the picture. I can't remember if I posted that picture here before, but I snapped it in Joburg when Sugar Daddy's Auntie J indulged my love of urban decay and took me around parts of the city where I could shoot it without risking being mugged.
I have a thing for balconies with laundry hanging on them; not sure if you've noticed. Along with a thing for vespas and motorcycles and crumbly bricks and -- ok, I'll stop. Anyways, I saw the balcony and laundry and folks hangin' out, and couldn't resist. I swallowed my self-consciousness and asked Auntie J to stop. I hope I didn't write about this when we were in South Africa but I can't be bothered to check. Auntie J pulled over to the curb, and I got out and started snapping, car door still open, over the roof of the car. They noticed me and I held up my camera in the universal consent-requesting manner and they waved and carried on, pleased to be of interest to my lens. What I didn't notice at the time because I was too far away were the details of the people watching me watch them. The guy with the yoyo kills me. See him? Look closely. I feel so lucky to "have" him. He's in this shot, but by the next shot he'd disappeared inside I guess.
I love having a talented husband who knows how to do stuff like this. Do you notice that the little curly-cue things are actually like the ends of cinnamon sticks? Yep. Though I can't take the credit for that... that was SD's brilliant idea.
Thanks, SD!!
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
1 month ago
Very nice!
Could I borrow SD to fix up my site?
Everyone needs a Sugar Daddy, no? ;)
I love it!
Wow! This looks great.
I meant to tell you that I took a wander through my 'hood last week and found some amazing graffiti that I wish I'd shown you. It was SO close to us.
Next time.
Oooooooh! Fancy! I love it!
This looks amazing, both the banner and the background! What an excellent husband!
Your page looks great!
love the new digs! you and sd make a great blog-pimpin team.
That's a whole lot of groovy.
Back off, SM, I get Sugar Daddy first.
Wow, I love the new header. Props to Sugar Daddy!
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