It was built in the 50s and it's been called "architecturally significant." It's a bungalow and the siding is dark brown on the lower half and white on the upper (I think - I can't remember the exact colour divisions, but there's dark brown and white - that's what you need to know). The door is original, with three small rectangular windows cut out of it. This is the only picture I have, which, most inconveniently, doesn't really show the door.

charcoal gray, white trim, red door.
sorry I spit out colors for the entire exterior! heh red. for sure.
absolutely red.
Red, eh? But won't that clash with the outrageous fuschia blossoms of the crab apple trees in the spring? I confess I've been leaning towards a grayish blue.
That Bob guy with the fuzzy hair is always using " a little dab of umber, here, and then just a wisp of burnt sienna for some nice depth". It sounds pretty good. So, I say, go with a tacky 70s style oil painting. Then inside you can place some string art, and please, fo the sake of the little one, paint a few of "those thought provoking circles" that adorned the halls of our HS.
No, seriouly, I'd go with a bold neutral. Charcoal would be my bet.
you should go to the library and see if you can get magazines from the time the house was built -- then you can see what the deal was.
in the fifties, colours like lime green, and aqua, and pink, and yellow, and red were very big (along with starbursts, parabolic curves, and asymmetry.)
i'm kind of a 50s nut. i can hardly wait to see the house. please invite me over.
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