Swee'pea has discovered the giddy power of making other people laugh. Lately, his trick for giggles is exclaiming, "Stinky!" in the midst of a poopy diaper change (it actually sounds a bit like teetee but we know what he means).
Yesterday, he discovered a new exclamation to make us giggle. He had two mountainous boogies that had been taunting us ALL weekend from behind the protection of Swee'pea's swiping fists. Finally, while he was eating, one emerged and I quickly wiped it off his cheek. I decided to try again on the other nostril and sure enough, that little booger stuck to the damp washcloth and allowed itself to be drawn out. And drawn out. And drawn out. It just kept coming like one of those trick handkerchiefs magicians use on unsuspecting volunteers from the audience. It was so gross Sugar D and I couldn't help but comment, "Ewwwwww!" as it emerged and then afterwards during horrified involuntary flashbacks.
Later, Swee'pea grabbed a clean washcloth from the shelf and began inspecting it closely. "Ewwwwww!" It's his new favourite word, and he has a special knack for uttering it at particularly apt moments. He sounds like a flippin' teenager sometimes.
Also yesterday, Swee'pea was in his high chair eating when our cat started freaking out. She's neurotic, and especially neurotic about crapping. I suspect she has some digestive difficulties but it's still pretty annoying that she will only crap in a pristine box. I figured she was gearing up for a number two so I cleaned out the little clump of pee that was preventing her from doing her business and she quickly jumped in. I must have said something to Sugar D about the cat's plans because Swee'pea immediately started mocking the cat: "Stinky! Stinky!"
I guess the cat didn't much for his mockery because she leapt out of the litterbox and ran upstairs, her claws scraping on the floor while she did a cartoon-style running-in-place move before finally getting into gear and actually going upstairs. She's carried on like this before in pre-BM moments so I figured she'd come back down to her litterbox and make her deposit. But she didn't. Oh well, I guessed it was a false alarm. Until it actually did get stinky and I went upstairs to investigate. She'd crapped in the guest room.
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
2 months ago
Ewwww! Stinky! Two very important words, for sure. Next comes "Poo-wee!" I love it when KayTar says that while covering her little nose.
I've been stunned by the neverending boogies that can come out of someone so small. How does that happen? It must be a special trick of childhood or something.
The twins just discovered "ut-oh!" and will find any excuse for saying it. They'll drop their food on the floor (on purpose) and then go "UT-OH!!"
Ew, indeed! My cats were SO traumatized when they realized that those loud, vicious little people were staying in our house.
(and do you have a nasal aspirator? It's a must-have for boogery toddlers.)
Ew, indeed! My cats were SO traumatized when they realized that those loud, vicious little people were staying in our house.
(and do you have a nasal aspirator? It's a must-have for boogery toddlers.)
Your kitty sounds like she has OCD. Just saying.
Heh. I know the never-ending snotties well.
And we know 'stinky' well. :-)
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