So, I know this is totally boring, but I feel the need to talk about this. I figure if I'm gonna whine so much here in this space when the sleep is bad, I better fess up here when it's good.
I believe that last night and the night before, Swee'pea slept for five hours straight. Now, he has done that occasionally before, but the big news is that he did it when I was also sleeping. So for two nights in a row, I have slept for five hours straight for the first time in 13 months and two weeks. Wow.
Also, he has mostly been going to bed around 8, and for the last three nights has required minimal or no assistance from us until I'm ready to go to bed myself. Also very exciting.*
And now, I leave you with a small video of Swee'pea "singing" Row Row Row your Boat while "reading" his Row Row Row your Boat book. The beginning is all messed up for some reason, but it gets clearer.
*On the one hand, I know that posting this will result in immediate and dramatic changes to Swee'pea's sleep patterns, and I really don't want to jinx myself. On the other, just thinking about how nice it's been is enough to cause the jinx (which I've now done twice: last night before I went to bed, and this morning when I woke up). So I'm screwed no matter what and figured I may as well share it here.
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
2 months ago
Definitely enjoy it! And expect, too, that his sleeping patterns are bound to change. One day you'll wake up and realize that feeling rested is the *norm* not the rare occurrence it is now.
I love the video!
Life gets so much better when they sleep, doesn't it!
You're on your way, and that's the important thing! Yay for Swee'pea and you!
Can't watch the video now b/c I am working the reference desk but I couldn't wait to cheer Swee'Pea's stellar sleeping efforts. Did you ever, ever in your wildest imaginings pre-child think that you would or could go for well over a year with less than 5 hours of sleep at a stretch?
Hey, Miss M had that copy of Row, Row out of the library. There is also a Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and a This Little Piggy in the series.
It's always fun watching Swee'Pea in action.
Hurrah for sleep!
sleeeeeeping babies...
sorry, i'm drooling on your internet.
When the babies start sleeping, life suddenly becomes manageable again. And then I get pregnant.
Swee'Pea is adorable!!! And I'm glad to hear you are sleeping!!
I can't decide who's the better singer.
I'm so glad you are getting some decent stretches of sleep... sleep deprivation really is the worst. I had an awful time with #2, but my #3 is a champion sleeper and has been since early days (thank goodness or I think I would have gone round the bend!)
The jinx, it cannot be avoided. Enjoy what you can! And, congratulations on getting some sleep ...
News of a baby sleeping more hours rather than less is always a reason to rejoice. And those who are going through it and those who remember what it was like will ALWAYS be happy to listen to someone talk about it! ;)
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