- excitedly ripping open my Notice of Assessment, expecting a $1500 refund.
- discovering a balance owing of $2200
- reviewing tax files to see what I submitted
- discovering that I can't tell the difference between refund and balance owing
- going to work for an impromptu one-hour meeting
- taking time to finally sort out my parking situation at work
- finding a parking ticket flapping on the windshield for the fourth work day in a row
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
1 month ago
oh dear. perhaps the way in which i am most stereotypically a woman is in my distate for all things financial.
and yes, i am fully aware that there is no truth to the stereotype -- except in my case. ;)
that's distaste.
Ugh. I know. I (or Quicktax, I'm not sure) made a mistake on Joe's taxes this year so we thought he was getting a refund FIVE TIMES what he actually got. Oh, the disappointment.
Glad to hear you sorted out the parking situation, though. Which reminds me, I've got a parking ticket to pay...
So that's a good day then?
We have a man who takes care of our taxes for us, which is a good thing, because we are dumb. We have many little dependents though, which makes for a hearty refund. There's my tax tip for the day.
Oh my! What a day!
Ouch. That's scary. Now I'm thinking maybe I should re-check my return.
Ouch. Leave it to the tax authorities to screw up the dream of a refund....
Hope your week improves.
(And you're not an idiot. We've all been there.)
Ouch, ouch, OUCH!
I hope things look up--I've been there.
Ouch. Ouch.
I do our taxes. Now I am terrified.
Oh it stinks when it goes like that. GL fixing everything! If it helps? Sounds like par for the course in my life. :)
I don't even want to know what ours are really going to look like. Maybe I should file and find out?
crap, Sin. bad bad day. very sorry for your loss...of refund.
you are presenting it with far more philosophical good humour than i would be, for which i admire you heartily.
i just discovered yesterday that i apparently have to register the car every year, even though they don't send a reminder. apparently, this means i also have to have the car inspected. all of this should, apparently, have been done in January. it's May. oopsie. who knew?
(i know, i know...probably everyone else in the world...)
I agree bad day-hope it is better now.
Oh no! You caught my Tax Flu, where all you dreams of not being poor evaporate in the harsh glare of It's Gonna Get More Expensive Before It Gets Cheaper.
Crap, I say. Crap crappy day for you.
No, I discovered the TRUE definition of Idiot today -
An Idiot is someone who drinks in the parking lot of his work after his shift, then drives across the street to the neighbor's business, which is a Retailer of Professional Home and Business CCTV Camera systems, and urinating next to the owners Harley.
The Police Officers loved the footage.
By the way...I've had similar experience before, sorry to hear about your return.
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