My name is Cinnamon Gurl and I am a potterhead. It started out innocently enough: I just wanted to see what everyone was talking about, what all the fuss was about. I didn't even like it that much the first time. I mean, sure, it was fun, but not as fun as I thought it would be. For a long while, I had total control; I could do it a bit here and there, at parties, nothing much. Then towards the end of my second book, I found myself getting more and more heavily involved in the Potterhead world. One day I did so much that when my son woke several times in the middle of the night, I kept thinking he was Pot(ter) and I had to save him in some strange half-sleep Pot(ter)-induced hallucinations.
Now, I'm neglecting my family. My husband says he's jealous of Harry Potter and the rapt attention I focus on it. I've even started doing it when I'm with my son. If I see he's occupied with some toy for a few minutes I'll creep into a corner and do some while my he's busy. Sometimes it can be really hard to drag my attention back into the room, back to my son. It's gotten to the point where, now, if I open my book in front of him, he'll cry, "Nooooo!" and try to take it away from me. That makes me sad but I still couldn't stop.
Even my personal hygiene is suffering because I'd rather have 10 minutes to smoke some Pot(ter) than shower. Last night I stayed up late because I just couldn't get enough and I even did some before breakfast. The worst, though, had to be this afternoon when I finished the last four pages of my fourth book in front of my desk at work. I spent all morning thinking about it just sitting there in my back, and I couldn't resist. I had to do it.
I've even started going out late at night, just to get more Pot(ter). I couldn't stand the thought of going all evening and probably all day tomorrow without any more Pot(ter) so I snuck out to the library to refill my stash. Ohh, the sweet relief of having fresh Pot(ter) in my hand... what had been looking like a cold and bleak evening suddenly had colour and warmth again. Sadly, I don't even think I've hit rock bottom yet. I know I have a problem, that I've lost control, but I don't really want to try to fix it until I've finished the series. I mean, once I'm finished, I'll be able to stop any time I want, right?
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
2 months ago
Yeah you'd think so...BUT THEN YOU'D BE WRONG.
Love. this.
I've been crawling through the series ever since I finished Book 7 - I went back to Philosopher's Stone at the end of July, and I'm only just now getting really into Book 7 again, taking it a few chapters a night, just before bed.
So good news: the second time through it's not quite so compulsive. Bad news: you're going to want to go back to the beginning and start over as soon as you're finished Book 7.
Oh man. You're in need of an intervention.
Wow. You stopped long enough to write this. I'm impressed.
I'm so sad that the serie is over. So,so sad.
Mad, I know! I even took a shower before I started the next book...
LMAO! Yes! I have been there, I know the power it holds.
And why are kids happy and quiet until you shift your attention into something for yourself? They can be playing solo just fine, but once you crack a book or magazine, it is like a magnetic force drawing them towards you. They have radar, I think.
I can't comment on being a potterhead (I think I'll stay away from it, though!), but I loved the writing in your post!
Ha! I'm afraid to start ... because the fear of addiction is so strong ...
When you wrote "Potterhead" I thought, HEY, I HAVE A KILN NOW! Which I haven't used yet. But we're also getting a pottery wheel this spring, hurray!
So I thought you meant THAT kind of Potterhead. Oh.
yeh, dude, wait til book 7 when you get the munchies. then you're sunk!!!
heh heh.
(not like we go through this regularly at our house or anything...)
You and my husband! Why do people even start when they know the path it will lead down?? ;)
Too funny.
So well said! You know, I've been a Potterhead for a decade now. It only gets better...
I even have a label on my blog called "Harry Potter Mania." But don't read it until you've finished the series. :)
In the middle of book six, I liked to read Potter in bed before sleeping. One day at work I said to my coworker "I just wish I was in bed with Harry."
Harry Potter? Aren't those kids' books?
I was late to the Pot(ter) also, becoming quite the addict this past summer. Seven books in two weeks. It was bad.
I was at my in-laws when the seventh book came out. My mother-in-law babysat so I could go smoke Pot(ter). Yeah, I think I hit a new low.
I think you and my bigirl would get along GREAT!
I can't read any book I like first thing in the morning or I'd never get out of bed!
Please let us know all the interesting google searches that lead to your place. And this funny, funny post.
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