I don't know. I'm having a much harder time sorting through and editing my Cuban photos than I did my South African photos. I don't know if it's because the photos suck or because I'm pickier or because I have less time now. I'm grumpy and discouraged. So far there are 19 photos I like out of the 1500 I shot, not including family shots. You can watch a
slide show of them here. What do you think?
There are others I like, but I can't be arsed to edit them. Maybe I just need some time and distance. I'm trying to stay calm, but I could really use some kind words right about now if anyone feels like doling them out.
Banish all doubt - those are fabulous! My favourite is the blue car, but I also love the closeup of the guy repairing the glasses, the four doors, and several others.
You might just be feeling overwhelmed by having 1500 to sort through and edit, right after your holiday. My suggestion is to take the pressure off yourself and do them when you feel like it. You'll get better results when you're feeling inspired.
I think they're fabulous! I particularly like the one you chose to post here and the photo of the windows. My favourite people shot is the one of the man sitting in the mouth of the garage (?).
Why don't you take a break from the editing and go back to it in a couple of weeks? 1500 is a lot of photos and it would be so easy to get discouraged. Take another look through them when you really want to look at them and you'll be happier with the results.
you are so talented, Sin. you are.
i think you're prbably just too aware of your audience now; maybe afraid your talent is being judged?
fuggedaboudit - we, the people think your talent is huge, and anybody that is reading wants to see more.
This is my favorite photo of yours, EVER.
Love the car shot the best. And the people in the sun.
I think time and distance will serve you well. I always do that with my paintings and it always helps.
Musicians in the sun; girl reading on the bench; man smiling at your from his chair; blue car; dachshund. I think your gift is to shoot people. I think the architecture and teh texture of Havana is overwhelming, but when there are people involved, people you connect with, your photos are electifying.
Those are wonderful - no worries.
What do I think? I think they are absolutely AMAZING. Amazing. My favorite, for unknown reasons, is the second one in the slide show -- the man sitting by the edge of...something...with his legs hanging over and rubbing his forehead with his arm. It gives me goosebumps. AM.A.ZING. They all are.
the colors and textures in these shots are just flat out eye candy. great, great shots.
They are amazing. I particularly dig the shot of the guys playing their horns and the girl with the stark white socks reading on the bench.
Nice work.
that photo is FANTASTIC so I imagine the others are as well.
have no doubt sin.
Gorgeous, Sin. My favorite is the guy working on the eyeglasses.
Wow, I just checked out your Cuba photos and they are AWESOME. I'm so inspired. I hear you about sorting through so many though, it can be overwhelming.
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