Our internet at home is broken again and I can't spend my work day blogging. How unfair! Just in case we don't get it fixed soon, that's why I'm not able to visit... I'm seriously twitchy with withdrawl.
Oh -- and I've been wanting to talk about last week's episode of Lost but I don't know many people IRL who watch it.
Was Desmond's "I love you. I've always loved you," speech knee-weakening, or what? I think he overtook Sawyer in my Lost fantasies with that episode. What did you think? What are your theories about the island and all that?
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
2 months ago
Yes, Desmond is now my TV boyfriend. Sawyer never was - I have a low jerk tolerance.
My theory about the island? Uh, I dunno?
Beck, I have the same theory about the island, which is why I put it out there... I have a feeling Bea has a few theories... anyone else???
No Internet? My God!
Does a nicotine patch help with internet cravings? Or maybe you should start smoking temporarily? You know, then your fingers would be sort of occupied and might not miss the typing so much? ;)
I hope it is back soon. And Charlie is the only Lost boy for me, I'm afraid. And he's dead. Drat.
I'd like to hear Bea's theory, too. It seems awfully Bermuda triangle to me, though.
I have no theory about the island. I think the whole thing has something to do with time travel...I've always thought that...but really, I dunno. I try not to guess because if I get thinking about it too much I get all wound up and frustrated. And I can't ogle Desmond properly when I am frustrated.
It just seems wrong that it's Wednesday and there's no new episode tonight, doesn't it? I NEED some good TV tonight!
I don't really have theories about the island, though I do have a theory that people who say that the show will end with Jack as a tragically bearded raving lunatic, trying forever to get back to the Lost Island - those people are morons.
Desmond is mine!
I hate it when they expect me to work at work.
No bloggin at work? Pshaw. (And yet, I completely understand.)
As for Lost? No theories. I've only watched 'til part way through Season Three and at part way through the first season had high hopes that all the weirdness was going to have a perfectly rational, scientific explanation - that's my kind of science fiction. But, alas, unless they pull out some major fantasticness in the final seasons, I don't think I'll get my wish.
I got all weepy and sappy over it.
my theory--the island is some sort of break in the space time continuum because of its weird magnetic properties.
Running on empty
I don't have any theories, either, although IF I did, they would run along the lines of Christine's. We get our new LOST episodes on Thursdays, so we watched last night, but my MIL is in town and talked most of the way through the episode. Grrrrr....
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