Well, we didn't get it.
And we're ok with that. Out of the five offers, three (one of them was ours) were too close to choose between. So they asked all three of us to improve our offers if possible to help them choose.
The last few hours we have been thinking that we'd be a little bit relieved if they didn't accept our offer, relieved that the decision would have been taken from our control and that it would mean so much less upheaval and worry about selling our house. Also, I discovered today that the adorable k-6 school that's pretty much across the street and down some steps is likely to be closed in a few years and consolidated with another school, still walking distance but not nearly so close.
In the end, we decided not to improve our offer. It's one thing to contemplate an enormous mortgage, but it's quite another to contemplate the possibility of an enormous mortgage coupled with a manageable mortgage. I guess we just bottled out, but I'm really ok with that. And truthfully, I'm not sure we could do a house that nice justice. I mean, we don't own an iron or hairbrush and we hate shopping.
Still... I think I might cry, just a little bit.
Did we make a mistake?
Um, no, we didn't make a mistake. It sold for $10k more than we offered, and we were never ever going to go that high. Que sera sera.
In which DaniGirl becomes the Curious Crone
2 months ago
That's exactly how I felt when I lost my bidding wars...a little empty, a little relieved, a little philosophical, a little sad.
The right house will come along, and when it does, you'll be happy the stars aligned the way they did.
Still awake. There will be another house and it will be meant for you. Patience.
In the meantime, shed a few tears b/c that's what the situation demands.
Mad, thanks for staying awake. I hope you feel better soon. I had a brutal flu for the whole weekend... finally recovering.
Dear God. $10K over? I am never moving.
Sorry it didn't work out.
Ugh. That's too bad. But at least the end result gives you some clarity.
it wasn't meant to be, then.
but go ahead and cry. it'll feel good.
Hey, you know what? I haven't cried after all. AND now I want to go to Cuba in April! We'd been thinking about going, but obviously the house would have put a huge damper on that, but now I say let's use that whole second mortgage payment for fun!!!
I'm glad you're not too disappointed. The seller of house we first made an offer on wouldn't come down enough to meet what we wanted to pay. While I was arguing with Hubby about whether we should pay more, a more perfect house came on the market and that one is the one we ended up buying.
It is hard to keep your head during such an emotional time. It sounds like you did a good job of doing that.
There is a NZ song called "April Sun in Cuba". Maybe you should find that!
I'm sorry love.
One of the things I am most sure of is that the best thing we ever did was to not buy more house than we could afford. I am very reluctant to trade up because debt is something that I think affects your entire quality of life.
Aw Sin - I'm sorry you didn't get it, but glad for you that you didn't end up with more mortgage than you were comfortable. That was always something that scared us silly.
Truthfully, I hate bidding wars. I hate being a part of them (we lost one house that way, and vowed never to be a part of it again - but I still cried), and then were on the other end as a seller (and I ended up feeling bad for the buyers because I think their emotions got the better of them).
Something will come along for you at the right time and at the right price. But for now, definitely go have a good cry. Because if nothing else, it means that the dream is gone (for now).
everything truly happens for a reason. It's funny though, 'round here, 10k over is a bargain.
kgirl, by $10k over our offer, I meant nearly $30k over asking... still a bargain by TO standards I'm sure.
It's disappointing, but a big mortgage is a HUGE bargain.
There will be another house.
When Dave and I were buying our first house we lost the house we thought was our dream house. I was very, very disappointed, though in the long run it wasn't the house (or the area) for us.
It means there's something better out there for you guys.
You did not make a mistake.
We got in a bidding war with our current home and ended up paying about 5K more than we budgeted.
Our home is fine. It was clearly the best of the ones that the real estate agent showed us, but I've also come to realize that we might have gotten something a little bit more suitable if we waited.
You will find the one that's right for you.
As the others have said, there's always another house!
Be sure you know your maximum, and know when to walk away. Sounds like you knew both!
Oh, sigh.
It's so hard to think of a house -- a home -- as a commodity.
Darn. But Mad's right. There will be a right house for you all.
oh Sin. i am so sorry, in the moment...and i think tears are in order.
but i second what Mad said...there will be another house. we went through this buying our first, and i often look at that other house as we pass by and think, um...phew.
And, if you're in the mood to look on the bright side, it's very, very good that you didn't pay too much. I don't know much (and by much I mean anything) about Canadian real estate, but I do know that when the US housing market suddenly crashed, a lot of people were left with houses that quickly were worth far less than they paid.
There will be other houses... we are living proof... remember The Slum?
And our rocking blue hippo plays Que Sera Sera... just had to share.
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