Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boogie Man

now hiring

Right back atcha, Denguy


The other morning, I was catching up on bloglines (like we ever can) while Sugar Daddy fed Swee'pea breakfast. I heard him exclaiming about something.

Oh... he's got a HUGE boogie. I. must. get. it.

So Sugar Daddy dug in, and Swee'pea resisted and started to cry a bit and finally:



It's so big it's not even satisfying. It's just gross.


Yesterday I was catching up at Sweet Juniper, and he linked to babylegs a while back. I guess that's where they get Juney's tights, which I have LONG admired. So now I'm trying to figure out how I can dress Swee'pea in those tights. They do have boys with shorts and tights in the pictures, but with summer on the way, have I missed the boat? Do I just have to wait till fall now?

Also, I'm all for bending our baby gender rules, and it seems like it would just be an extension of the tie-dye and leopard print I already dress him in, but I'm second guessing myself now.

What do you think? Adorable? Or better start saving for his therapy?


S said...

OK, so what cracks me up most about that sign is the obvious attempt to fix it by adding an 'S'; someone noticed that it wasn't pluralized but failed to notice a missing 'f'?

I'm thinking Swee'pea and the Juniper leggings -- not so much. Less because of his gender than because, having seen him, I'd wager that he's not a skinny-minny like Juniper. Am I right? Maybe I'm wrong. I envision those leggings on waifs, like my first child, but definitely not my second.

Mad said...

You know Sin, you've got about 10 months left of dressing Swee'pea however you damn well please before he begins asserting himself in no uncertain terms. Make the most of the time you have. That's my philosophy.

Hey, I know how to shit. I wonder if they'd hire me.

NotSoSage said...

You can totally pull off the tights thing...but you're right, maybe summer isn't the best time. You could stock up on some lovely fall colours, though, that would look smashing with the little man's hair.

And I pity anyone who has the Full Time Shits.

Beck said...

Do you pronounce things like that, too? I totally would read that as "futuh putuh" and I want NONE of it.
Do babylegs ship to Canada? I totally have girls so there's no agonizing here - see, want, get.

Aliki2006 said...

I thought the same thing as Slouching Mom--how funny that the attempt to fix the sign made it altogether much more funny...

As for the tights, my office mate/friend has a neighbor whose 9 year old likes to dress like Robin Hood. Each day he wears a different pair of tights with the same old green tunic. So there.

Aliki2006 said...

Oh, and I LOVE your banner! Did you make it?

11111111 said...

My son wears loads of my daughter's hand-me-downs. Boyo is all man.

11111111 said...

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable eating at Subway any more.

Mimi said...

recently overheard at my house: "heh-heh. boogers zero, dada one." then out comes Pynchon brandishing a LOADED q-tip at me. like i want to see it (ok. i did).

Girlplustwo said...

adorable all the way. do it.

Girlplustwo said...

is that banner new?

it is pure money, friend.

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

oh, thank you for the laugh!

My almost-three-year-old regularly comments on the "mommy poop" and the "cute baby poop." Now THAT's a whole new perspective, isn't it?

Christine said...

Go for the leggings, girl! My son sleeps in a lavender and yellow room, has the very long Sean Cassidy hair, and is obsessed with this very girlie toy my daughter just got from a friend--Polly Pocket. Bend the rules. But he might get a little sweaty this summer. . .

Anonymous said...

Mad's right--you have a window here. go for it!

Anonymous said...

My two younger boys both wore baby legs. I do use them in the summer, they change afternoon wear to evening wear in an instant cause they are so cozy in a chilly evening if it's windy or wet. I keep em in my diaper bag in case we are going any place airconditioned or going to be out on the late side. I'm thinking this summer LP will turn three and it'll all be over. He refers to them as "socks," cause they go on over his feet. So, I'm enjoying that while I can. The baby is too young to protest, looks completely adorable and is complimented everywhere we go. Buy em, lots!